1 Dec 2023

AT NETEX FOR OVER A DECADENowadays, it is increasingly rare for employees to work for the same company for more than a decade. Over such a period, one knows how the company thinks, knows the internal network, and has gained much experience, but has also experienced ups and downs.

Some of our colleagues from Novi Sad are also celebrating their work anniversary this year, and a special program will be dedicated to them as part of the Christmas party.

We were curious to find out where they stood with their thoughts and feelings after ten years, and we interviewed some of them. It is an honour for us to introduce 5 of our long-standing colleagues to you, although they are not unknown to most Netex employees:

IVANA KIROV has been with Netex since September 2009, starting as a Bulgarian agent, then was office chief in Novi Sad for less than 6 years and, due to circumstances, returned to the Eastern Europe department for the Bulgarian market. She says: “It seems unreal to me how quickly all these years have passed. At Netex, I met wonderful people and friends who will stay with me for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I left Novi Sad due to circumstances, but the city and all these people remain in my heart. She doesn’t like to praise herself, but anyone who knows her knows what she is like. Her motto is: “Be who you are!” Just good vibes – that’s what she recommends and wishes for other colleagues.

MARIJA EGIC has been with Netex for 14 years and has mainly worked with Pro Client customers (Gourmondo, Video Ident). She works in the logistics department but often participates in Pro Client projects. She says: “There have been many challenges and opportunities to learn and improve, but I am proud that I have persevered. Without good colleagues’ help, encouragement and cooperation, most of this would not have been possible, and I thank them for that.” She doesn’t like to talk about her personal life, but she told us that dancing is her great passion and she enjoys it very much. “In life, I guide myself by always working hard and being dedicated, but I also try to take care of my family, my marriage and my friends because life is only worthwhile when you share it with the people you love and enjoy the gift of life you’ve been given. What guides me in life is what I would also recommend to my colleagues.”

MARKO TELEČKI told us, “I have been with the company for ten years as a member of the East Europe Department. I am still a part of the East Europe department and currently hold the position of Team Leader. I value the experiences and relationships built during this time. Spending substantial time with challenges has allowed me to grow personally and professionally. I’ve had the privilege of working with many hardworking colleagues, contributing to the company’s success, and witnessing its growth. The greatest thing for me has been the exceptional individuals I’ve had the pleasure of meeting over the years.” He also reveals that one of his hobbies that he loves is cooking. This is how he expresses his creativity and finds a place to be happy. He loves experimenting with different ingredients and recipes, and the best part is sharing the results with friends and family. Another interest of his is travelling, which brings him great joy, refreshes him and gives him new energy. His life motto is “Skip the comparisons. Stay true to yourself; that’s where your strength and inner stability lie. Focus on your path and wishes”, and his advice for his other colleagues is: “Know yourself to navigate life and work peacefully, and after you figure yourself out, live accordingly.”