Project Owner

Job details

Job Type

Full Time

Open Posts



Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia


The Project Owner is responsible for creating, sustaining, and improving processes within their business area.

Required Skills

  • Analytical Thinking: Proficient in analyzing processes and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Effective Communication: Clear and concise communication skills to work with colleagues and explain changes in processes.
  • Problem-Solving Ability: Ability to identify issues, evaluate solutions, and implement effective changes.
  • Attention to Detail: Meticulous attention to detail to document processes and ensure accuracy in execution.
  • Team Player: Capacity to work together with colleagues to achieve process improvement objectives.
  • Linguistic Skills: Advanced knowledge of the English language; Knowledge of the German language is an advantage.


  • Identifying areas within the business that can be improved or optimized.
  • Creating and implementing new processes or improving existing ones to make things run smoother and achieve business objectives.
  • Documenting processes and procedures in a simple and understandable manner, establishing clear rules to get things done.
  • Monitoring process performance and identifying areas where things could be better.
  • Leading efforts for continuous process improvement, encouraging ideas and innovation from colleagues.

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